We’ve created this list of Frequently Asked Questions to help you find the answers you’re after! Please don’t hesitate to contact us, we’d love to answer any other questions or queries you may have.
What makes Antenatal Co. better than other antenatal classes?
They’re run by an experienced, registered and practicing midwife of over 12 years.
They’re run in one full day instead of spread out over 4/6 weeks.
You get access to a huge digital resource guide with information from the day plus MUCH more from experts such as sleep consultants, women health physios and midwives.
You get access to an online baby first aid course run by a St Johns paramedic and a whole bunch of discounts from brands we love and trust.
Why is it important for your antenatal class to be run by a midwife?
Lots of other antenatal classes are run by ‘childbirth educators’ who have done a short course and have only been to their own births - whereas midwives have a 4 year Bachelor of Health Science midwifery degree and have been to and experienced hundreds, if not thousands of all different kinds of deliveries.
Antenatal classes are unregulated, meaning that anyone can start a class up and teach you about birth. It’s SUPER important to know that the information you get is correct, up to date with the latest research and comes from a reputable, trusted source.
Why should I do an Antenatal Class?
It’s important to do an antenatal class as there is only so much your LMC (Lead Maternity Carer e.g. midwife or obstetrician) can teach you during your antenatal appointments.
Antenatal classes provide a wonderful foundation and give you detailed information about what you can expect during labour and birth including assisted deliveries, c-sections, pain relief, inductions etc.
Antenatal Co. classes also put a huge emphasis on the 4th trimester (first 12 weeks with your new baby), practically preparing for postpartum covering topics such as baby sleep, nappy changing, mental health, preparing your relationship for having a new baby etc.
The big reason to do an antenatal class is to make friends with people who are having a baby at a similar time as you. It’s so important to have relationships and community with others who are also sleep deprived and experiencing the same baby stage as you. Antenatal Co. knows how important this is so we put your class into a WhatsApp coffee group and organise the class coffee group meet up for you when your babies are around 6 weeks old.
Can I bring a support person with me?
Yes! We would love you to bring one support person with you to your antenatal class. Most people bring their partner but you are welcome to bring your mum or a friend or anyone you like!
What will the antenatal class involve?
The class is broken down into 4 sessions.
Session One - Labour and Birth - what to pack, signs of labour etc, what a textbook natural vaginal birth looks like and all the pain relief options for labour.
Session Two - Assisted Deliveries and Feeding - ventouse and forceps, c-sections, inductions of labour. Breastfeeding, bottle feeding, pumping, infant formula and common feeding issues.
Session Three - Practical Parenting - what to buy, nappy changing, sleeping and swaddling, what life with a newborn actually looks like.
Session Four - All About You - preparing your relationship for a baby, returning to exercise, mental health and a look into “dadding” with experienced dads sharing their insights.
How do I book or cancel my antenatal class?
To book your antenatal class just click on any of the ‘Book Now’ buttons on our website and follow the prompts. You will receive a confirmation email from us once you are all booked in.
If you would like to change or cancel your antenatal class please email us.
Do you have a waitlist I can join?
Absolutely! We are aware that lots of our classes do sell out but all our classes have waiting lists so please email us if you would like join.
How long is the antenatal class?
Antenatal Co. antenatal classes are a one full day class that run from 9am - 4/4.30pm.
What should I bring?
We will send you an email the week of your antenatal class with more information about the day and what you should bring, but wear comfy clothes to sit in all day, your phone, laptop or iPad to access the online information for the day. You will need to bring water, snacks and a packed lunch although there is a cafe on site if you could like to buy lunch and coffee. You could also bring a pillow to be extra comfy.
What parking is available?
There is free parking on the grounds and on the road.