Antenatal education designed by midwife Grace Strange, to prepare you and your partner for labour, birth and beyond. Full of knowledge, experience and practical how-tos, you’ll get the tools you need to empower you to birth and parent the way you want.

Highly recommended by obstetricians and midwives, we believe knowledge is power. By exploring all the birthing and parenting possibilities with practical, fun and well-rounded education, you’ll be well equipped to take on this exciting new chapter.

Our desire is to ensure parents have access to high quality, unbiased, and evidence based education, and for Grace to pass on the skills, knowledge and experience she has gained as a mum, and from working with hundreds of families over her years as a midwife.

We will not push any agendas as we do not believe there is a ‘right’ way to birth or parent. We are here to educate you and your partner so that you feel empowered to birth and parent the way that is right for you and your family.